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Industrial Ethernet

Strong support of EtherCAT intensifies in Asia with successful EtherCAT Technology Group Meetings in Japan and Korea Recently, the EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG) conducted the 2014 ETG Member Meetings in Japan and Korea. Almost 200 participants received updates with results from the different ETG Working Groups, ETG marketing activities as well as the numerous events held by the organization during the past year. 2014 ETG Member Meetings in Japan and Korea Local ETG representatives organized the first meeting..
[New]Ha-VIS eCon switches stand for high efficiency and performance High efficiency and performance, along with simple and quick operation – the new Ha-VIS eCon switches place a premium on meeting these demands. Optimized and designed for jobs in harsh industrial environments, unmanaged Ha-VIS eCon Ethernet switches equally enable the cost-effective expansion of existing network infrastructures, as well as the development of new industrial networks. The compact,..
COEX에서 오토메이션월드 전시회가 토요일까지 진행중입니다 코엑스 전시장에서 오토메이션월드 전시회가 3일부터 6일까지 진행되고 있습니다. 자동화 네트워크, 산업용 무선통신, 로봇, 모션컨트롤, 제어계측 등의 분야에서 많은 솔루션들이 참여하고 있습니다. 4일(목)과 5일(금)에는 대한민국산업통신망-에너지세미나가 컨퍼런스룸 318호에서 진행됩니다. 이번 세미나에서는 산업에서의 IT기술 접목방안으로 네트워크를 제안하며, 산업용 이더넷 및 산업용 무선을 제안합니다.